My son is referred to as a sensory seeker and enjoys the sensation of touch as a coping and calming mechanism. Quite often there is a negative connotation associated with autism. People are often sympathetic towards me when told my son has special needs. I want my project to explain how he experiences the world around him, so others around him might understand his experience of the world.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterised by difficulties in social interaction, communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour. ASD also affects the way we break down information.
I want to look at the world through his eyes because he does not process the world like we do. He can be seen drawing anywhere between an hour to two hours a day. His view of the world is what I will be focusing on for my degree show. Repetitive patterns present in his fixation with the drawing of characters from the story books he enjoys reading, have become starting points to interpret form, pattern and surface qualities of fabric.

Hand Embroidery, Material Manipulation, Material Distortion, Machine Knit, Multihead Embroidery.