This collection of work by Jessica Gilligan aims to depict a subversive heterotopia while being informed by film, literature and events of political and social interest. Most literally, these paintings explore a range of concepts from our subconscious consumerism that leads to our inevitable corruption. Each work within this series encroaches on the axis of where public and private spaces coincide. The privileged ontological habits documented in cold artificial settings, strive to illuminate an insular network of corruption. The works aim to derail the illusion of bliss and utopia that is so often associated with wealth, and instead replace it with unrest and disquiet. The influence of author J. G. Ballard is evident throughout, with several paintings stemming from his textual quotations. These paintings develop Gilligan’s sustained thematic engagement with concerns of corruption, subversion and apparition. Similarly, they strive to evoke conscious movements towards questioning our complacency as a society, alongside our negligence to defy immorality.
Sacred Heart Sunnyside, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Colaiste na hInse Ninch, Bettystown, Co. Meath.
Caption: Painting 1:“It’s like a film set… except its real” Oil on canvas 110x85cm

Painting 2: “Intrusion” Oil on canvas 110x75cm

Painting 3: Untitled acrylic on canvas 60x40cm

Painting 4: “Somewhere in the garden was a swimming pool filled with unsettled water.” Acrylic on canvas 75x110cm

Painting 5:“..Their great dream..” acrylic on canvas 100x80cm

Painting 6: "Saturday Market" acrylic on canvas 100x80cm