I named my paintings “Riddle Me This” in reference to puzzles that are solved by having an awareness of one’s surroundings.
The images I paint are things I see on a day-to-day basis. I see tall buildings, long stretching roads, vast expanses of untouched countryside, harbours filled with boats, empty derelict houses and buildings, old imposing architecture, bright L.E.D. artificial lights, signposts, even the occasional cracks and patterns of a floor.
My paintings are highly detailed and strategically arranged around the space that is the canvas or surface I have decided to depict my day-to-day life on. They are not easy to read, nor are they easy to navigate. They are a maze requiring the viewer to become comfortable with getting their focus interrupted and diverted in order to look into the spaces between the positive and negative shapes.

No 1 90x120cm Oil on Canvas painting

No 2 70x100cm Acrylic on Canvas painting

No 3 70x100cm Acrylic on Canvas painting

No 4 80x120cm Acrylic and Oil on Canvas painting

No 5 70x100cm Acrylic and Oil on Canvas painting

No 6 160x240cm Acrylic and Oil on Canvas quadriptych painting

No 7 80x100cm Oil on Canvas Painting

No 8 70x100cm Oil and Acrylic on Canvas Painting

No 9 90x120cm Oil and Acrylic on Canvas Painting

No 10 90x120cm Acrylic on Canvas Painting

No 11 Riddle Me This Pt 14 80x120cms Oil on canvas.