This collection was inspired by the word ‘traces’ and its different contexts. I was interested in how movement is captured. Xavi Bou photographs birds flying in a time lapse. Each bird leaves behind a trace which tangles with that of other birds in the sky. This inspired the fabric and embroidery textures. The woven nests of a Bullock's Oriole also informed thread choices for embroidery.
The second approach: ‘Traces and surveillance’ relates to my concern that our individual lives are more accessible than ever, making us vulnerable to manipulation from powerful corporations. If we are all taught to think the same by being given controlled information, will this lead to complete homogeneity? How will creativity be impacted? This aspect motivated the drawn ink portraits that represent individuality.
The emphasis on individuality further informed my research as it led me to think about human traces. Peter Stallybrass’s essay ‘Worn Worlds’ (2016) brings attention to the idea that clothing is a vessel holding human imprints. Archival garments informed initial sampling and silhouettes.

1- Research


3-Colour Research

4-Portrait Development

5-Design Development

6-Hand sewn Glove

7-Nest Embroidery

8-Outfit 2 Fitting

9-Line up

10- Illustration