My womenswear fashion collection ‘P U R E’ pushes the boundaries of what responsibly grown and ethically manufactured materials can achieve. Sensual, bold and unique in design, they are clothes suited for the modern environmentally-aware women, and meant to be lasting wardrobe staples.
My designs focus on the nurturing and wellbeing qualities that nature has, not only on our own personal mental health, but how it has inspired me to thrive to obtain a collection that emphasises the beauty of our climate and aids to protect it. Within my practice, I use processes and source materials that are sustainable and environmentally focused. I have opted to use less chemicals and processes in the print by using organic and alternative materials, and by sourcing alternative printing techniques and processes that use beeswax, fabric folding and layering.

IMAGE.1 FInal Digital Design

IMAGE.2 Digital Design Sampling

IMAGE.3 Digital Design Sampling

IMAGE.4. FInal Digital Design

IMAGE.5 Screen Printed Design Sampling

IMAGE.6.Final Digital Design

IMAGE.7. Photography

IMAGE.8. Beeswax fabric manipulation