Stairgates can be difficult to use, especially for people with compromised grip strength and dexterity, such as those living with arthritis or similar conditions. 'DAM' is an innovative inclusive stairgate proposal that offers greater usability for all. Instead of relying on a latch that can be operated only by (uncompromised) adult hands, it is easily activated by a switch mounted to an adjacent wall just out of a toddler’s reach.
As stairgates are typically only needed for relatively brief periods, the DAM concept entails a rental service which ensures that each stairgate has multiple consecutive users and a much longer useful lifespan. Although slightly more complex than conventional stairgates, it is therefore a more cost-effective, sustainable and user-friendly solution. The stairgate’s minimal form and the use of clear plexiglass allows it to blend in with most domestic interiors.


It's as easy as pressing two buttons to open the safety gate.


The gate can be made with a variety of finishes to blend seamlessly into the users home.


The gate works using infrared technology, the same kind found in a TV remote control.