Under Capitalism, profit is prioritised over the health and wellbeing of individuals. Access to goods and services is dependent on how productive you are. Post-financial crash, hustle culture has become embedded in the minds of young people who are living in a much more precarious time than their parents. The only way to get ahead in life is to optimise yourself and become the best possible version of you.
'The Cult of Productivity' is a speculative self-help service that promises to maximise your life and achieve ultimate efficiency. The project is a critique of productivity and self-optimisation under late-Capitalism. Using the tools of Capitalism (advertising, marketing), The Cult of Productivity aims to educate people on the toxicity of the self-help industry and negative effects of neoliberal ideology.
The outcome of the project is a digital campaign that features a video advertisement, brochure and website promoting The Cult of Productivity.

1-shanecarty = Screenshot of video ad

2-shanecarty = Brochure

3-shanecarty = Screenshot of video ad

4-shanecarty = Corporate merchandise

5-shanecarty = Brochure spread

6-shanecarty = Social media ad

7-shanecarty = Social media ad

8-shanecarty = Screenshot of video ad

9-shanecarty = Brochure spread

10-shanecarty = Social media ad