Sabhín O’Sullivan


My work is driven by a desire to address social issues. For me, the most exciting part of being a designer is that we have the power to tackle these problems through our work.

Over 2 million children die from respiratory-related infections every single year. Children living in low-resource countries often reach extremely advanced stages of the illness before they receive adequate medical attention, reducing their chances of survival.

‘Nurah’ is a kit that facilitates the remote monitoring of vital signs in newborn babies living in Uganda. It includes a Snug Rug and a Monkey Monitor that records the baby’s heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature. The Monkey Monitor communicates any changes in health using a colour-coded LED display. It connects to a smartphone app so carers can find out more in-depth information about the baby’s health.

When used at home, Nurah acts as an early warning system for parents. It notifies them when their child begins to show signs of illness so they can seek treatment in the early stages of the infection. It can also be used in healthcare facilities, reducing nurses’ workload and enabling them to react faster to changes in patients’ health.

Nurah in the hospital

Nurah in the hospital

Colour changes of the Monkey Monitor

Wrapping the Snug Rug

The Nurah App

The Nurah App

Screen-flow of the Nurah App

Screen-flow of the Nurah App

The Nurah Kit

The Nurah Kit



Sketches and Ideation

Sketches and Ideation



