Music festivals are a major source of environmental pollution. 16,000 tonnes of post-festival waste go to landfill annually in the UK alone. One of the problems is that many festival-goers bring cheap armchairs and mattresses every year and then leave them behind.
‘Fauxteuil’ aims to reduce this waste. It is a durable hydrophobic chair-mattress, which is rented out on-site and can be pre-booked on ticket purchase and added to the festival RFID band. It may also reduce CO2 emissions, as festival-goers are more likely to take public transport than drive if they have less equipment to carry.
Fauxteuil double-functions as a mattress at night and a seat at daytime. In consideration of the typical festival environment, it was designed for quick and easy conversion. It is made of reclaimed materials, such as PVC truck tarp and discarded Polypropylene 'corriboard' election posters, which are a problematic waste stream in Ireland.

Fauxteuil conversion - carry - chair - mattress

From behind


Visualising the pattern

Checking corriboard and foam against pattern

What a ticket purchaser might see at the checkout

Guerrilla marketing - info on why consumers should consider returning a new chair or mattress

Fauxteuil container and staff - preparing for the arrival of festival-goers

Festival map showing Fauxteuil container locations

Getting some shuteye