How can self-propelling wheelchair users slow down safely and efficiently when there are no brakes on their chair? Abrasions, calluses and blisters are common injuries among wheelchair users, due to using their hands to slow the chair. Users need to keep their hands on the wheels to feel the one-to-one connection and to maintain control. The problem many still face with gloves is that they slip on the hand or do not fit properly.
‘Fitmé’ is a glove that offers adjustable personalised protection for wheelchair users with limited hand function when reducing speed. The application and removal of the Fitmé gloves are hassle-free once initially fitted. Fitmé has been designed with sustainability in mind. All materials used to make Fitmé are recyclable bar the neoprene which is upcycled from factory off-cuts and recycled wetsuits. It is designed for disassembly, ensuring the reuse, longevity and durability of the components.

1- Fitmé in use

2- Early sketch iterations for the glove

3- Design development through prototyping

4- Some key features of Fitmé

5- Demonstration of the initial application of the glove, to personally fit the user hand

6- Front and Back view

7- Fitmé in use

8- Fitme can be worn comfortably while performing regular tasks

9- Fitmé in everyday use

10- Fitmé used for traversing public space safely