‘Attention! Please don’t look’, gives a voice to those suffering from social anxiety disorder(s). Communicating ideas verbally is often a difficulty for those struggling with social anxiety. Visual symbolization of aspects of the disorder provides a means of communication other than spoken word. For example, ‘Internal Discourses: Vicious Circles’ explores emotions of depression, loneliness and despair, alongside emotions of anger and contempt for oneself in the inability to communicate socially. ‘Hide, It Feels Safer to Go Unnoticed’ depicts a figure in a crouched position shielding himself with his hands. Again portraying the psyche crouched and unnerved by social interactions owing to anxiety. The external self may be wearing a persona of calmness through lack of interaction, which allows the disorder to remain unnoticed. These emotions resonate with those experiencing social anxiety. My practice advocates for social anxiety disorders to be acknowledged and accommodated by the Department of Education.

1- 'Internal Discourses: Vicious Circles'

2- ‘Hide, It Feels Safer to Go Unnoticed’

3- 'Internal Dialogues: Despair'

4- 'Rise: I Am Able To Participate Now'

5- 'Respond! Respond! Respond! Why Don't You Speak?'