Who has never experienced the winter blues, characterised by low energy and feeling depressed? Have you ever wanted to analyse the quality of your light environment and its impact on your health?
‘LightKit’ is a system that facilitates light exposure management for users affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), because despite symptoms of the disease being very common, treatments using light therapy have not been democratised yet.
LightKit was developed through consultations with different actors from psychotherapists to lighting companies. Its goal is to bring light therapy technology into everyday life, furniture and accessories. Reach your daily recommended light exposure, even on the darker days.

1-Daily light exposure recommended

2-LightKit App Map

3-Lightkit Lamp color temperature curve

4-LightKit Lamp in use

5-Lightkit Lamp intensity curve

6-LightKit Sensor and LightKit app in use

7-Lightkit System rendering

8-Lightkit System Sketch

9-Lightkit Visual

10-Storyboard of the design solution in use