Paulina Vilimaite is a Dublin-based artist working with appropriation and collage. Her practice focuses on how the female body is presented and objectified in the media. Using images from magazines that present us with an idealised view of what a woman should be or look like, she subverts this idealisation by manipulating the found images to create a sense of contrast and unease. By physically folding the collage she is directly dismantling the ideals and socially constructed norms that come with these images. Her aim is to challenge notions of perfection. The process of dismantling and amputating the figure to create hybrid bodies, calls into questions the absurdity of these apparent social norms.

1 Fold: 1 of 4 - Untitled 1

2 Fold : 2 of 4 - Untitled 2

3 Fold: 3 of 4 - Untitled 3

4 Fold: 4 of 4 - Untitled 4