This project examines the intersection between the real world and the online world, and how online content and communication constantly evolves and changes in relation to the lives of its users. I have been interested in some of the detrimental outcomes of the ubiquity of the Internet and smartphones, particularly how impersonal communication is replacing interpersonal interaction and how many people are having their attention held captive by addictive social media interface designs.
This project examines how we communicate online through the use of emojis and how these small symbols that evolve in accordance with the lives we are living can convey so much.
‘Seen 2020’ is a short video which deals with the Covid-19 pandemic through to the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests and riots. It conveys a sense of being oversaturated and inundated with online information during the beginnings of the Covid-19 outbreak with nationwide addresses from world leaders being played simultaneously.