The embodiment of psychological experience and the nature of somatic response is the underlying theme in my work. It addresses issues concerning how the body absorbs, holds and disguises illness.
Comprising three human-scale single occupancy shelters, this work aims to introduce a pro-active expectation of a cure for some complaint we may not even be aware of harbouring.
They provide an opportunity in which to shed anxiety, detach from divisive discourse and reboot energy levels. That they can be interpreted as sanctuary or prison is a point of contention and within this ambiguity lies a tension between what is anticipated and what is experienced.
‘Hold Still’ is designed to facilitate an energy transfer, not to treat an illness but to act as a catalyst. ‘Press Pause’ may be experienced as a Faraday cage – a form of protection from electro-magnetic signals – while the adapted cow-brush in ‘Shed Skin’ references the importance of physical contact for human and animal wellbeing.
Positioned as a triumvirate, The Shell/ters represent stations in a secular pilgrimage or ritual, the purpose of which is at the discretion of each individual participant’s narrative.

The Shell/ters, installation view; Press Pause and Hold Still.

The Shell/ters, installation view; Shed Skin and A Yearning Anticipation.

Installation view; A Yearning Anticipation.

Press Pause; 180 x 80 x 80cm, steel.

Hold Still; interior view, 206 x 70 x 75cm, steel, wool, swing, privacy film.

Shed Skin, detail, 210 x 85 x 85cm, steel, film, brush.

The Shell/ters; interior views

Press Pause, details of viewing grille and reflection

Hold Still; detail view of interior.

A Yearning Anticipation, 38 x 300cm, etching, screen and transfer print on paper, film and aluminium.