‘Deprived of airflow, deflates the canopy’ is a collection inspired by the imagery of deflation and inflation of my father’s Paragliders. This project connects the fabricated canopy filling with air and collapsing, with the highs and lows of his mental health struggles. It depicts the internal struggles of his battle being covered with an exterior shell, through fabric manipulation from the canopy of his gliders. The outer layer of coats is constructed to be strong and rigid to conceal the interior garments. The undergarments differ with drape and gathers, challenging how quickly mental health can deteriorate.
This collection symbolizes the ups and downs of my father’s mental health battle, while embodying the strong canopy soaring over the mountains and collapsing on the glider as the airflow depletes. Contour lines stitched into the coats are inspired by Ordnance survey maps depicting a sense of direction, while underneath there’s depletion.

1- Outfit 2 tailored trousers and deflating jumper

2- Tailored trousers and cameo-top

3- Exterior canopy coat with deflating jumper underneath

4- Deflating jumper