'Reused' is an interiors woven based project that aspires to create materials that would allow upcycling in design to be seen in new light. I believe we need a more sustainable approach to design and everything should be made for a circular economy, so my focus from the start was to work with locally sourced waste materials. My design process has always been led by materials and making so when I came across a range of plastic waste strips and extrusions I was eager to test out the possibilities for using them as yarns to create textiles that could be used for contemporary interior/living applications.
Using waste materials with a zero waste ethos meant that I had to use the colours available. Because the plastic waste materials I was finding were mainly bright/white colours, when looking for sources I found that exotic fish had a diverse range of colour and pattern that would feed well into the design.

- Reused

- Moving salt water Fish

- Upcycled plastics and yarns

- Upcycled plastics and yarns

- Print inspired by patterns on moving fish

- Print onto warp using upcycled plastics & yarns

- Print onto warp using upcycled plastics & yarns

- Context