I began my work searching for ways I could mimic another person’s memories, trying to picture how someone with bad memory might remember their own past. As my research progressed I found myself looking at my own past. Being at my childhood home and revisiting areas that I had not been to in a very long time created an explosion of overwhelming emotions. The sad realisation that I would never do certain things again, that I am an adult now, a completely different person to who I was the last time I stepped foot here. As I walked through the forest, I could identify different regions, and picture my friends and I playing there. These were memories that I haven't even thought about once, until I stepped back into the forest. It’s almost like the memories live on in there.

image-1- Memory Surge. image-2- Memory Surge 2. image-3- Lost. image-4- The Call Of The Void. image-5- Consumption 1. image-6- Consumption 2. image-7- Consumption 3. image-8- The Remaining 1. image-9- The Remaining 2.

video- The journey.