‘At one time, according to Sir George H. Darwin, the Moon was very close to the Earth. Then the tides gradually pushed her far away: the tides that the Moon herself causes in the Earth’s waters, where the Earth slowly loses energy.’ – Italo Calvino, The Distance of the Moon, 1965.
This body of work is an interpretation of Italo Calvino’s tale The Distance of the Moon (1965), and meditates on love as an ever-changing complex feeling, a contrasting idea to the common desire to preciously conserve love in a single form through time. Although this is not a recent notion – for instance, the ancient Greeks had multiple definitions for different love types, which could, inclusively, evolve and mutate in one same relationship – this human conflict persists through times and takes shape in a multitude of stories. ‘The Distance of the Moon’ (2020) frames an unrequited love, by exploring one’s memories and feelings for another, for the originator of both magnetism and mystery, who is, however, unreachable.