Coaches provide undeniable benefits to powerlifters both in their physical and mental performance. For a variety of reasons, getting a coach may not be a feasible option for many powerlifters. How can this performance gap be narrowed to increase accessibility to the sport and level the playing field?
‘Vulcan’ is a smart tracking and coaching system for aspiring powerlifters, consisting of a barbell attachment and a companion app. Vulcan tracks various data points during the squat, bench press and deadlift, using the information to automatically track reps and provide guidance and suggestions on where and how to improve your performance. Additionally, Vulcan enables you to practice lifting along to competition ‘Lift Commands’, guaranteeing you’ll be ready to compete with confidence.
The App guides lifters through workouts and logs their training, as well as serving as a hub for your progress, allowing you to display your achievements proudly on your profile.

1 - Contextual Guidance and Feedback

2 - Progressive Disclosure

3 - Vulcan In-Context

4 - Guided Workout Tracking

5 - Lock Screen Functionality

6 - Progress Hub

7 - Main App Functionality

8 - Automatic Detailed Rep Tracking

9 - Bar Tracker Overview

10 - Audio Cues