A dominant theme in my painting practice is the interplay of ‘art and conflict’ in Ireland’s history. From the Reformation to today, artists have reflected on the recurring cycles of violence and its causes, often giving a partial, one-sided view. I took inspiration from artists of my own generation who, determined not to be used in the tribal conflict, expressed the truth as they saw it for their own purposes and that of their art. In doing so, they helped move the protagonists in the direction of peace. By way of contrast I also focus on the landscape of the Boyne Valley where I live, on its changing personality from season to season and its beauty that never fades. I work in a variety of media but mainly acrylic on canvas and I find resolving issues of composition as interesting and as challenging as the application of paint.

- Odyssey. (History of Ireland on 3 panels)

- Fifth Circle. (Opposing tribes in Ireland)

- Dark Matter. (The future is not orange)

- Bird on a Wire. (Yearning to be free)

5.Winding Sheet. (Blood of the innocence)

- Flegs. (Bauhaus gives us hope)

- Act of Union. (Saplings look on and learn the ways of the elders)

- A great sea-change on the far side of revenge.

- Darcy's Castle. (Boyne sunset)

- The air was drugged with Egypt. (A light in the dark)