For as long as the music industry has been around, there have been people finding ways of experiencing music for free. ‘Thieves Like Us’ discusses the history of music piracy. This book showcases the positive effects which came from piracy, how many creative practices in music came from people obtaining music from these underground scenes. Piracy has also been used as a form of activism, musicians would encourage people to engage in piracy in order to protest the low wages creators get from record labels. The book also discusses the current contemporary problems musicians are facing. As a way of tackling online piracy, streaming services like Spotify were created. However, many people do not realise how terribly these services treat musicians paying them lower than minimum wage and discouraging more independent and alternative music styles in favour of safer money-making hits.

1 - Cover from Thieves Like Us

2 - Spread from Thieves Like Us

3 - Spread from Thieves Like Us

4 - Spread from Thieves Like Us

5 - Spread from Thieves Like Us