The Sentinel is a fourteen story concrete building in the Dublin suburb of Sandyford that has remained unfinished for over 13 years. Construction began on this structure in 2007 and due to the recession it ceased in 2008. The Sentinel instantaneously embodied the failure of our neoliberal political system and became an iconic symbol of the ghost estates that were left haunting the country. Through a pinhole photographic process, I created a series of images which evolved over the space of a month during Lockdown documenting The Sentinel building. Working with this photographic process, I was forced to collaborate with natural light and time. Because these elements were beyond my control, chance and failure became an active part of the work that was made both visibly and physically tangible within the prints themselves. The pinhole camera also mimics a similar latent state to that which The Sentinel occupies, neither to fulfill its purpose as a building, nor to fall into a state of ruin.






Sentinel Series

Sentinel Series


The Sentinel