‘366 Days’ is a filmic representation of the Irish lunar calendar for the year 2020. With each sounding of the rhythmic audio, the viewer can observe one day as having passed by. Simultaneously, the lighting conditions in the filmed aspect of the piece reach, with help of a makeshift lighting rig, the same point as the moon would reach in its phase as of that date. This is achieved by corresponding the moon phase of each night with the position reached by the continuously orbiting lighting rig. The use of this mechanism provides me with the ability to hold authority over the moon. The extent of influence by this entity of constant presence can be negotiated but, according to the concept of astrology, the sky may hold the power of prediction. With this piece being created at the halfway point of 2020, there is, undeniably, a scientifically predictive element. However, can the moon be tied to the true manifestations of what these lighting conditions represent; the events of days they refer to, past, present and future? In a year of significant political/ social incidents, the calendar alludes to these happenings by attributing the accountability for them to the passage of light.
Degree Show substitute, Ballard, Clonbur, Co.Galway.
January 1st 2020
January 2nd 2020
January 3rd 2020
Time lapse of Exhibition in Connemara

Panorama of Exhibition in Connemara (8ft diameter plywood screen mounted on scaffold frame)