For many a year, I have really only ever drawn and coloured pictures as a pastime. I always wanted to do more, but was not sure if I was good enough. After showing my work to a friend and art teacher Mirjam, she told me to apply to an art college, so I applied to the National College of Art & Design three years ago. I have learned so much, including many new and old forms of drawing, painting and sculpting, and different ways to look at and interpret art.
The images displayed here represent a fair amount of the work I have done for the Diploma and include sculpting, painting and print. Inspired by artists in the Vitamin P3 book, my last four pictures were for my final project ‘Inner & Outer Space’, which shows the combination between inner human and outer space; the sculpture was inspired by the work of the New York based artist, Ugo Rondinone.

Included in images