Throughout my three outcomes, I have explored the importance of visual communication in electoral politics with a particular focus on the use of colour in politics.
‘The Pigment of Power’ is a visual dictionary of the significant political parties represented in parliaments across Europe. The book is organised by the use of colour in these parties. The parties are also then grouped with parties of a similar ideological persuasion, for example Agrarian parties are dark green, Social Democrats are red, etc.
‘Dáil 2020’ is a set of collectible, individually illustrated (and colour-coded) cards for all of the 160 new TDs that comprise the 33rd Dáil, following the 2020 election in Ireland. These cards aim to educate people in an engaging way about their local representatives and the different parties involved in government and the opposition.
‘Scenes From The Count’ is an illustrative memento of the day I spent at the Dublin Count Center for the 2020 Election, giving a personal account of the events of the day. This contrasts against the more pure information based content of the other two outcomes.

- 'The Pigment of Power' book cover.

- 'The Pigment of Power' Spread - Liberal-Conservatism.

- 'The Pigment of Power' Spread - Progressive Centre-Left.

- 'The Pigment of Power' Spread - Communist Parties.

- 'Scenes From The Count' cover.

- 'Scenes From The Count' spread (1).

- 'Scenes From The Count' spread (2).

- Dáil 2020 Advertisement (1)

- Dáil 2020 Advertisement (2).

- Dáil 2020 Advertisement (3).