The inspiration for my collection is the Dublin streetscape and the challenge to the observant eye to discern beauty in the mundane. The pieces are inspired by manhole covers and the variety in their design, ranging from Victorian to modern.
The choice of citrine reflects the predominance of the colour yellow in the city streetscape and signage. Its use emulates light falling and reflecting on the many city surfaces. It echoes the glitter of broken glass, transforming quotidian detritus to hidden jewels. The choice of CAD and 3D printing was reflective of the industrial nature of the source of inspiration.

1- Ductile Collection - Adelaide Holdings and Pearse Brooch

2- Ductile Collection - Fairview Ring

3- Ductile Collection - St.Lawrence Hoops

4- Interax Collection - Tolka Holdings

5- Interax Collection - East Ring

6- Interax Collection - Abbey Earrings

7- Interax Collection - Belgrove Bangle

8- Challenger Collection - Ringsend Holdings

9- Challenger Collection - Rogersons Holdings and Northwall Collar

10- Challenger Collection - Forbes Ring and Clarion Ring