My practice focuses on power relations, how the world is really “ruled”, who makes these decisions, and whether these decisions are made with the best interest of the planet’s inhabitants (and the planet itself) in mind?
It explores this topic through the medium of sound and video, while playing on the idea of aversion therapy and subliminal messaging. When beginning my research, I honed in on the case of convicted child sex offender and trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. The unusual circumstances surrounding his death raised questions about the so-called ‘untouchables’: the politicians, celebrities and “elite” class whose names were recorded in Epstein’s “little black book”. It also brought up questions around how the mainstream media reports on, or rather fails to report on such cases.
The evident censorship and suppression of information surrounding Epstein’s case, coupled with offers to join ominous secret societies, encouraged me to look beyond Epstein in a quest for the truth. The culmination of my venture down this deep dark rabbit hole is the video/ sound piece, 'AVERSION'.

Images 1-4: AVERSION stills