Procrastination has many faces!
Procrastination is commonly described as the action of postponing or delaying something, a pattern of behaviour universally common to most creative practitioners. This project aims to expose these behavioural patterns often found in the collective unconscious of creative individuals.
‘The Procrastination Playground’ illustration is a modern take on Bruegel’s ‘Netherlandish proverbs’ painting. It’s a satirical representation of over 70 proverb like statements taking place on NCAD campus, designed to aid creativity as a cautionary tale.
The ‘Shadow & Persona’ are two publications based on Jungian psychology, designed to be read together. According to Jung we all wear masks of one shape or another, usually based on the demands of society. These books explore the internal struggles of artists and designers alike, in an attempt to expose the difficulties of being a young artist in today’s world. They unmask the torn mentality found during the creative process.

Procrastination Playground Illustration

Procrastination Playground Proverbs List

Procrastination Playground Printed Edition

Persona & Shadow Printed books in alignment

Persona & Shadow Printed books (expectations versus reality spread)

Persona & Shadow Printed books spreads

Physical Snout Mask (reframe your perception)

Physical Snout Mask demonstration

Combination of all three outcomes