‘Infinite Scroll’ explores the duality of the screen and the canvas, the modern versus the traditional. It asks: How ‘Instagram-able’ is this work? How does it translate to screen? Will these textures be lost? Will this colour match the pixel assigned form? Will it standout in the endless sea of content of other artists?
It is a never ending fight to please the algorithms of social media, to understand how these algorithms are used in digital marketing campaigns to reach highly specific target audiences.
Infinite Scroll is constantly evolving and changing, each stage is covered over by the next evolution in a continuous wave of imagery that uses video, digital imagery and traditional painting to capture and highlight how we consume media in the modern age when everything is available at your fingertips.

Stage 2 (Home Screen), 12:36pm, 16/4/20, Arcylic on Board, 60x50cm

Stage 9 (Tissot Gentleman), 2:37pm, 6/5/20, Arcylic on Board, 60x50cm

Still From 'Infinite Scroll'

Visualisation of full install of Infinite Scroll

Visualisation of install of Infinite Scroll video work

Visualisation of digital work on screens

Visualisation of painting in current form